Photo Credit: SJVAPCD
The reason is that the use of such fireworks has been demonstrated to raise the amounts of small particulate matter (PM) to unhealthy levels that exceed health standards. These particles include soot, ash, and toxic metals. These substances can enter deep into the lungs and bloodstream, with the possibility of causing heart attacks and strokes.
Historical monitoring of Valley air quality during previous holidays has shown that PM levels may reach as much as 4 or 5 times higher than federal health standards, as the chart above shows.
This is of particular concern for those with existing health issues like asthma, heart disease, children, and the elderly. In addition, the use of such fireworks will exacerbate the COVID-19 pandemic which is raging throughout the Valley.
“We ask that residents are considerate to the health and well-being of the Valley’s most vulnerable individuals, especially during this unprecedented health crisis,” said Samir Sheikh, the Valley Air District’s Executive Director/Air Pollution Control Officer. “Fireworks release large amounts of PM at ground-level, where individuals can breathe in the harmful pollutant,” he added.
We're getting our PM from Sahara desert; several community fireworks displays have been cancelled...