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Monday, August 16, 2021

Wildfire smoke and Covid19 Delta variant put Valley residents in a No-Win scenario

Just like many parts of the country, the Covid19 Delta variant is causing an increase in infections and hospitalizations in the San Joaquin Valley - especially among those of you who refuse to get vaccinated against it for whatever illogical reason you may have. 

As if that wasn't enough, wildfires that are still raging throughout California are causing severe air pollution problems in the Valley as well, so much so that the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (APCD) has just issued a Health Caution and an Air Quality Alert because of the harmful smoke from those fires.

As part of that caution, the APCD is recommending that people stay indoors and avoid activities outdoors. The APCD also says that the common cloth and paper masks being used for Covid19 protection may not offer sufficient protection against the particulate matter (PM) present in wildfire smoke.

This puts the average citizen in a quandary - should he/she stay inside or go outside? As you probably know, most health authorities have stressed that being outside offers more protection against Covid19 than being indoors. 

However, the APCD is saying that by going outdoors in this smoky environment, you are putting your health at a greater risk than staying inside.

What do you think? Leave your comments below if you have them. 

P.S. We have some dice if anyone wants to borrow them.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Use RAAN to see how bad the air outside really is

The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (APCD) issued an air quality alert for Valley residents yesterday due to smoke from California's wildfires. If you step outside and take a deep breath or just look at the hazy skies, you will quickly understand why. 

If you want to get a little more information on just how bad it really is as measured by ambient air quality monitors, then check out the APCD's Real-time Air Advisor Network (RAAN). By using either a free app or by typing in your zip code at the RAAN website, you can see what the ozone and PM2.5 levels are in your area right now and throughout the day.

Again, because of the risk to your health, the APCD recommends that you avoid strenuous outdoor activities until the skies clear to safer levels.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

SJVAPCD issues air quality alert for San Joaquin Valley due to fire smoke

 The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (APCD) has just issued an air quality alert for the San Joaquin Valley. It doesn't end until Monday, August 9, at 5 PM.

The APCD urges everyone to stay indoors and especially avoid strenuous outdoor activities.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

By ignoring wildfire emissions, is CARB painting too rosy a picture about statewide GHG reductions?

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) just released its greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory data report for 2019. CARB said the data shows that GHG reductions in the state are being reduced significantly more than the reductions that have been targeted by law.

However, buried within the press release and the report is information on another source of GHG whose numbers are not included in the inventory of reductions that CARB is praising.

Wildfire emissions.

Photo Credit: California Air Resources Board

CARB's latest data shows that GHG emissions statewide, exclusive of wildfires, went from 425 million metric tonnes in 2018 to 418 million metric tonnes in 2019. 

However, what CARB doesn't report is the increase in wildfire GHG emissions. Although wildfire CO2 emissions declined from 2018 to 2019 from 39.1 to 4.8 million metric tonnes CO2, in 2020 they increased to 106.7 million metric tonnes. And that latter number may be approached in 2021 as well considering the number of wildfires that have happened and are happening at this very moment throughout the state - and the normal wildfire season hasn't even officially started yet.

CA Wildfire Emissions, by Year - CARB

CARB and others have tried to dismiss concerns over wildfire CO2 emissions by referring to them as part of the natural carbon cycle. But the fact remains -  CO2 is CO2. The world and the physical climate change processes that result in the increasing temperatures of global warming do not care from where the CO2 comes. 

One can brag all one wants about reducing GHG emissions from transportation and industrial sources, but, the ship is still going to sink if you only bail out part of the water that is filling your boat.

What do you think? Please leave your comments below.